HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter – Everything You Need To Know

Welcome to an in-depth exploration of HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter. This platform is intricately designed to cater to startups and small marketing teams eager to leverage powerful marketing tools without using HubSpot’s Pro or Enterprise level. The HubSpot Marketing Hub...

Everything You Need To Know About HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter

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Welcome to an in-depth exploration of HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter. This platform is intricately designed to cater to startups and small marketing teams eager to leverage powerful marketing tools without using HubSpot’s Pro or Enterprise level.

The HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter is your gateway to professional marketing software (questions on HubSpot’s new pricing? Check out our recent post). It’s ideally suited for emerging businesses and streamlined marketing departments that need efficient, impactful tools tailored to their unique demands. The system offers a user-friendly interface and essential functionalities, allowing you to initiate, manage, and optimize your marketing efforts precisely.

In this blog, we’ll explore what HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter can do for you, identify its limitations, and discuss how to customize it effectively to meet your business’s specific marketing needs. Identifying logged-in visitors is crucial for personalized marketing efforts, and HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter supports this capability, enhancing customer interaction. Whether you want to enhance your email marketing capabilities, improve your customer service tools and segmentation, get traffic analytics, or manage your marketing campaigns more efficiently, this guide will provide you with all the features and insights you need to make the most of HubSpot’s introductory marketing platform.

What HubSpot Marketing Starter Can Do

HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter packs a powerful punch for small businesses and startups looking to streamline their marketing efforts without the overhead of complex systems. Among its key capabilities, removing HubSpot branding from your marketing materials, forms, and emails is an essential feature for maintaining brand integrity and professionalism. This feature and others make it a necessary tool for your marketing arsenal.

Email Marketing in HubSpot

HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter empowers businesses to send emails using their custom domain name, effectively removing HubSpot branding. This feature ensures that all outbound communications reinforce your brand’s identity, presenting a cohesive and professional image to your audience. You maintain brand integrity and build greater customer trust by personalizing your website responsive landing pages, and email domain.

Customer Segmentation in HubSpot

Custom fields company and contact for Customer Segmentation in HubSpot

Effective marketing starts with understanding your audience. HubSpot’s CRM software provides detailed segmentation tools that allow you to categorize your contacts based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, and purchase history. This enables you to tailor your marketing strategies to specific segments, ensuring more personalized and relevant communications that resonate with each group.

Marketing Lists in HubSpot

Customer Segmentation in Marketing Lists in HubSpot

With HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter, you can create and manage dynamic content marketing lists that automatically update based on set criteria. This functionality allows you to maintain an organized and even contact list of audiences and focused groups for your campaigns, ensuring that the right messages reach the right audience at the right time. Segmenting your contact lists enhances the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Live Chat and Conversational Bots

Live Chat and Conversational Bots on Your Website

In the digital age, immediate response can be a game-changer for customer service interactions and satisfaction. HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter includes live chat and conversational bots that you can integrate directly onto your website. These tools engage visitors when they land on your site, providing instant assistance and capturing essential lead information. Automating initial contact frees up resources while maintaining high customer service.

Basic Reporting in HubSpot Starter

Basic Reporting and Marketing Dashboard in HubSpot Starter

To measure the success of your marketing efforts, HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter offers a reporting dashboard with up to 10 customizable reports per dashboard. These reports provide insights into various aspects of your campaigns, from email open rates to conversion metrics. With this data, you can make informed decisions to optimize your marketing strategies and improve overall campaign performance through custom KPIs.

Ad Management in HubSpot Starter

Paid Media and Ad Management in HubSpot Starter

Managing ads across different platforms and ad accounts can be cumbersome. HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter simplifies this process by integrating ad management tools that allow you to create, manage, and analyze ads across ad campaigns in multiple currencies, all in one place. This integration saves time and enhances the coherence of your marketing efforts, providing a holistic view of how your ads perform across various channels.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter Packs a Punch

These features of HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter are designed to empower small businesses with the tools and phone support they need to execute effective marketing strategies with precision and professional flair. Whether aiming to boost engagement through personalized email campaigns, enhance customer interactions with live chat features, further sales outreach optimization events, or gain valuable insights through targeted reporting, HubSpot provides a robust platform that scales with your business needs.

Limitations of HubSpot Marketing Starter Vs Marketing Hub Professional

Overall Limitations of HubSpot Marketing Starter Vs Marketing Hub Professional

While HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter provides a solid foundation for your marketing efforts, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations to plan and adapt your strategies effectively. One significant limitation is the standard CRM interface configuration, which restricts the ability to customize and apply conditional logic to the interface, including the left sidebar, right sidebar, and board cards based on the pipeline, team, and more, with a specific limit of up to 20 customizations per object type. Here’s a more comprehensive look at where the platform might fall short and how you can handle these limitations.

Lack of Complex Workflows

Lack of Complex Workflows in HubSpot Starter

HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter does not include advanced marketing automation or custom targeting capabilities in more sophisticated platforms. This limitation means that tasks such as lead scoring, branching email sequences based on user behavior, and highly personalized content campaigns must be managed manually. To navigate this, you can leverage basic segmentation and manual follow-ups to personalize interactions. This hands-on approach ensures each campaign is meticulously crafted to meet the needs of your audience, although it requires more time and effort.

Social Media Integration

Another notable limitation of the HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter is its restricted ad management features and the absence of Facebook Messenger integration. This can significantly impact businesses that rely heavily on social media to engage with customers and prospects. To mitigate this, you might consider utilizing third-party social media campaign management tools. These tools often offer comprehensive features for scheduling, publishing, and analyzing social media content and can be integrated with HubSpot via APIs or middleware solutions.

Association Labels

HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter’s standard CRM interface lacks association labels, making managing contact and customer relationships even more challenging. Association labels are crucial for categorizing relationships between contacts, companies, deals, and tickets, allowing for more dynamic and flexible data management. Without this feature, maintaining clear and organized contact records can become cumbersome. To address this limitation, disciplined data entry practices should be implemented, and custom fields should be used to simulate the functionality of association labels. Regularly updating and reviewing contact records will help keep your HubSpot CRM and data clean and organized.

Additional Limitations When Compared to HubSpot Pro

Further Considerations to Keep In Mind:

  • Limited Automation and Integration Capabilities: The absence of complex workflow automation is a significant limitation for businesses looking to scale or automate extensive marketing processes. Additionally, integration options are more limited than higher-tier plans, potentially affecting businesses using numerous third-party tools.

  • Reduced Analytics and Reporting Features: The Starter plan provides basic reporting but lacks the detailed analytics and customization options available in the Professional and Enterprise tiers, hindering in-depth data-driven decision-making.

  • Restrictions on Customization: The Starter version restricts the ability to customize features such as forms, emails, and landing pages, potentially impacting businesses aiming to create a highly tailored user experience.

  • Limited User Seats and Access Control: The number of users and the level of access control are more restricted, which could be a concern for growing teams that need more comprehensive access management.

  • Ad Management and Retargeting Limitations: Limited functionality in ad management and retargeting can affect the optimization of marketing campaigns and ROI.

  • Absence of Advanced Features: Features like predictive lead scoring, advanced segmentation, and A/B testing are unavailable, which can impact the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and the ability to fine-tune strategies based on performance metrics.

  • Customer Support Restrictions: Unlike higher-tier plans, direct customer support and available resources are more limited. Users of the Starter plan might not have access to 24/7 support or a dedicated account manager, which can affect problem resolution and platform optimization.

Understanding these limitations is crucial for optimizing the use of HubSpot Marketing sales Hub Starter together. By acknowledging what the platform can and cannot do, you can better equip your marketing and customer relations team with the tools and strategies needed to complement the HubSpot sales hub environment, ensuring smooth and effective marketing operations.

Customizing HubSpot to Meet Your Needs

Adjusting HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter to serve your business better involves recognizing its limitations and innovatively working around them. Below, we explore practical methods for enhancing the platform’s capabilities without upgrading to higher-tier products.

Enhancing Segmentation and Data Management

Creating Custom Fields as Association Labels

One notable limitation of in-app chat outside of HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter is the absence of association labels, which are crucial for detailed contact management and segmentation. However, you can effectively replace these with custom fields:

  • Strategic Use of Custom Fields: You can create custom fields at company and contact levels to categorize and segment your audience more effectively. For instance, if specific information frequently applies to the company level rather than individual contacts, prioritize placing those fields at the company level to avoid redundancy.

  • Building Marketing Lists: Once your custom fields are established, utilize these fields to refine your audience segmentation when creating marketing lists. This allows for more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Managing Data Imports and Updates For Workflow Automation

Properly managing your data imports and updates can streamline the process and enhance the functionality of additional features of your CRM:

  • Uploading and Updating Marketing Lists: Import your marketing lists into HubSpot and match your contacts by email. You can then update their fields individually or in bulk. Ensure you have their URL handy for updating company information to facilitate more accessible updates. If the URL isn’t available, you can use a VLOOKUP function with your company or contact ID to match records.

  • Utilizing Import Templates: HubSpot allows you to save import templates, which can significantly speed up the process for future uploads. Once you set your file structure, you can maintain it for subsequent imports. If there are fields you no longer need, put them to be ignored rather than deleting them. This approach preserves your data structure and expedites future data management tasks.

Leveraging Manual Processes

While manual data work may seem daunting, it offers an unlimited number of opportunities to fine-tune how you manage innovative content on your CRM:

  • Personal Touch in Data Management: Manual involvement in setting up and updating data ensures accuracy and allows for a tailored approach to how information is categorized and utilized within your campaigns.

  • Preparation for Scaling: By setting up these processes efficiently from the start, you prepare your system to scale smoothly. This foundational work ensures that when you’re ready to upgrade to HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional, your data and segmentation strategies are already optimized for more advanced automation and marketing capabilities.

Focusing on What HubSpot Does Best

Despite its limitations, HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter excels at how many users are in segmented email marketing. By creatively working around its constraints and setting up your system thoughtfully, you ensure these limitations do not distract from leveraging HubSpot’s core strengths. The goal is to configure the Starter plan so that, within a few months, you’re fully prepared to grow and expand into the advanced features HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional offers.

Considerations When Setting up Your HubSpot Agency

Deciding whether to set up HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter internally or to engage an agency is a significant consideration that can impact how quickly and effectively your team can utilize the platform. And no, there’s no $3,500 activation fee when setting up HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter.

Agency vs. DIY Setup

  • DIY Setup: If your marketing team has the capacity and technical skills, setting up HubSpot internally can be cost-effective. This approach provides your team firsthand experience and deeper insights into the platform’s capabilities and limitations. It allows for immediate adjustments and customization as your team learns through direct interaction with the software.

  • Hiring an Agency: For teams without the capacity or expertise to handle the setup process, partnering with a specialized agency can streamline integration and setup. Agencies bring expertise in best practices and can offer strategic insights that accelerate HubSpot’s deployment and practical use. They can also provide training and support, ensuring your team makes the most of HubSpot’s features.

Other Considerations

  • Resource Allocation: Assess your current resources. If your team is already stretched thin, the learning curve and time required for a DIY setup might not be the best investment.

  • Expertise and Experience: Evaluate your team’s level of knowledge. An agency might provide valuable insights and shortcuts your team is unaware of, which can optimize your platform use.

  • Long-term vs. Short-term Costs: While hiring an agency involves upfront costs, it might save money in the long run by helping you avoid common pitfalls and setup errors that could cost you more.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter is a robust tool designed to meet the needs of small business marketing teams. Its adaptability allows it to serve a wide range of marketing strategies and business sizes, making it a flexible choice for those just starting or looking to streamline their marketing efforts.

Evaluate your business needs against the features and limitations of HubSpot Marketing service Hub Starter up. Consider how each service, fellow Hubspot users, and setup option might serve your long-term business goals and whether the investment in an agency could provide a return through more effective platform use.

Additional Resources

To get free tools and additional to optimize performance furtherance, aid your decision-making, and enhance your use of the HubSpot platform, consider exploring the following resources:

  • HubSpot Academy is a comprehensive resource offering free online training in HubSpot and inbound marketing techniques that can maximize the effectiveness of your tools.

  • HubSpot Community Forums: Engage with other HubSpot users to exchange tips, tricks, and best practices.

  • HubSpot Blog: Stay updated with the latest tips, trends, and updates to make the most of HubSpot’s features.

By carefully considering your setup approach and utilizing available resources, you can ensure that your sales pipeline and team leverage HubSpot Marketing Hub Starter to the customer platform to its full potential, setting the stage for growth and success in your sales process marketing efforts.

Below is a side-by-side comparison of Marketing Hub Starter, Pro, and Enterprise. View the most up-to-date pricing here.

FeaturesMarketing Hub Starter
Marketing Hub Professional
Marketing Hub Enterprise
Conversational botsLimited featuresAdditional featuresAdditional features
Website traffic analyticsStandard web analytics dashboardCustomizable website traffic analyticsCustomizable website traffic analytics
User managementFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
Team emailFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
All free toolsFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
Subdomain and country code top-level domain availability1 subdomain and 1 country code top-level domain on 1 root domainUnlimited number of subdomains and country code top-level domains on 1 root domainUnlimited number of subdomains and country code top-level domains on 1 root domain
Email automationUp to 10 automated actionsUnlimited actions, plus omni-channel marketing automationUnlimited actions, plus omni-channel marketing automation
Form automationUp to 10 automated actionsUnlimited actions, plus omni-channel marketing automationUnlimited actions, plus omni-channel marketing automation
SEO recommendations & optimizationsBasic recommendations, one page at a timeAdvanced recommendations, full site auditing, and topicsAdvanced recommendations, full site auditing, and topics
FormsRemove HubSpot brandingAdditional featuresAdditional features
Email reply trackingFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
HubSpot mobile appFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
Custom user permissionsFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
Email health reportingLimited featuresAdditional featuresAdditional features
Product libraryUp to 1 million productsUp to 15 million productsUp to 15 million products
Facebook Messenger integrationRemove HubSpot brandingIncludes advanced Messenger bot branching and advanced reportingIncludes the ability to use code snippets for custom Messenger bot actions
Live chatRemove HubSpot brandingRemove HubSpot brandingRemove HubSpot branding
Custom properties1,000 custom properties per object1,000 custom properties per object1,000 custom properties per object
Shared inboxLimited to 1 inboxUp to 100 inboxesUp to 200 inboxes
Mobile optimizationContent limited to email onlyFeature availableFeature available
Marketing events objectFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
Email marketing5x marketing contact tier email send limit per calendar month. Connect and authenticate an email sending domain10x marketing contact tier email send limit per calendar month20x marketing contact tier email send limit per calendar month
Ad managementAll available ad types5 audiences15 audiences
Ad retargetingAll available ad types5 audiences15 audiences
Cookie Management ToolsCreate up to 100 consent banners with different geotargeting rules, languages, and banner templates. Includes support for GPC signals. Allow visitors to update their consent preferences with the cookie settings buttonCreate up to 100 consent banners with different geotargeting rules, languages, and banner templates. Includes support for GPC signals. Allow visitors to update their consent preferences with the cookie settings buttonCreate up to 100 consent banners with different geotargeting rules, languages, and banner templates. Includes support for GPC signals. Allow visitors to update their consent preferences with the cookie settings button
Reporting dashboard10 dashboards, 10 reports per dashboard25 dashboards, 30 reports per dashboard50 dashboards, 30 reports per dashboard
List segmentation50 active lists1,000 static lists1,200 active lists, 1,200 static lists
Permission setsPermission templates onlyPermission templates onlyCustomize and save your own permission sets
Email and in-app chat supportFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
Personalization tokensFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
CTAsDoes not include custom targeting by device type, country, referral URL, etc.Includes custom targeting by device type, country, referral URL, and moreIncludes custom targeting by device type, country, referral URL, and more
Simple marketing automationFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
Multiple currenciesUp to 5 currenciesUp to 30 currenciesUp to 200 currencies
Simple ad automation1 simple workflow per form, with up to 10 actionsUnlimited simple workflows per form, with unlimited actionsUnlimited simple workflows per form, with unlimited actions
Required fieldsFeature availableFeature availableFeature available
PaymentsAvailable to U.S.-based customers. Subject to underwriting approvalAvailable to U.S.-based customers. Subject to underwriting approvalAvailable to U.S.-based customers. Subject to underwriting approval
1:1 technical supportEmail and in-app chat supportEmail, in-app chat, and phone supportEmail, in-app chat, and phone support

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About the Author
Picture of Seth
I am Seth Nagle, a growth marketing aficionado with a passion for propelling businesses to new heights. Armed with a wizardry of data-driven strategies, innovative tactics, and a keen eye for opportunities, I've orchestrated successful campaigns that have ignited growth and sparked measurable results. From disrupting industries to cultivating brand loyalty, I thrive on the thrill of crafting narratives that resonate, channels that convert, and outcomes that speak volumes.